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Meal Prep Tips

Meals are prepped and I am ready to rumblllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeešŸ„¦šŸ«šŸŒšŸ„‘

I started meal prepping almost 9 years ago when I was making changes to my nutrition to overcome postpartum + lose 40 lbs. I knew that nutrition was medicine to my body and planning out my meals is what helped me stay on track with my food while mommying 3 under 5. I also teach my clients how to meal prep and provide them example meal plans every week.

Meal prep has become a lifestyle. We cook our food on Sunday, store it in big containers, and just eat what we want throughout the week. Well, when I was selected to be a part of a pilot fitness test group a few weeks ago, I knew I had to UP my game in the nutrition department, so I am back to pre-sorting my meals so I can be super dialed into the foods I am fueling my body with for this test group.

I know for most, meal prepping can be overwhelming so here areāœŒtips on prepping:

  1. Keep it simple. Pick 2 proteins, 2 carbs, 2 veggies, 2 fruits to prep for the week and stick with that. You can get fancy after you are comfortable with prepping your food.

  2. Make a plan. When are you going to go grocery shopping? When are you going to prep your food? Having a plan is everything when it comes to meal prepping.

Do you meal prep? What is your fav thing to cook?



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