As I was reading Trent Sheltons book and he talked about how “none of us are just here to take up space”. That everything about you - including your flaws, your imperfections, and your past - exists to be used to improve the world🌏powerful stuff right? For a long time, I felt like I was just taking up space. I felt like I was just on the hamster wheel of life. I was fulfilling my role as a wife and a mom but deep down in my soul I knew there was more, I knew I needed more, and I ultimately knew God had more for life. But I felt like I was unusable. I was broken, I was a hotmess, and I had no idea how my imperfections would be used to improve the world. It was on October 10th, 2014, at a Women’s Conference that I felt it in my heart, that God was nudging me to just start sharing. To share the broken pieces of my life, to share my flaws, to share my truth. So I did just that. And God began to take my story, my mess, and turn it into a beautiful message with a purpose to empower women. 5 years later, I am still living that purpose He placed upon my life. Maybe you feel like you are just taking up space…or wondering what your purpose is in this “so called life”…or how your message can be turned into a message… Well, can I tell you a secret my friend, you were fearfully and wonderfully made with and for a purpose to change the world!!! Put aside the fear, the what if’s, all those concerns you have and just open your hands to serve and allow your life to be used!!! This is YOUR time to RISE UP SIS🙌🏻 YOU HAVE A PURPOSE.
“None of us are just here to take up space.” -Trent Shelton